AHZA photography

We are Ahza Photography photo service services in Bandung, the best professional photo and video services in the field of photo and video services in Cimahi Bandung, professional photography services in Bandung, Bandung photography services. Entrust Your Wedding Video Photo Needs, us for weddings / weddings, music concerts, product launches, and other events.
There have been many of our clients both individuals, government agencies, private companies, event organizers (EO), wedding organizers (WO), and other clients who have used our services, both in terms of video photos in Bandung, video photos in Bandung, photography in Bandung, shooting videos in Bandung, shooting videos in Bandung, Editing Processes etc. for their events (such as for weddings, graduations, music concerts, product launches, gatherings, seminars, etc.). We are supported by reliable human resources, our photographers and cameras in the field are ready to provide the best service.

CONTACT ADMIN 0895384465790 - 085220871853

Harga Foto Wisuda

AHZA Photography

Perusahaan Kami Bergerak di Bidang Photography Videography di Bandung,
Video Shooting Multi Camera di Bandung. Percayakanlah keperluan Photo
Video di Bandung anda kepada kami,baik untuk acara pernikahan /
wedding, wisuda, konser musik, launching product, dan event lainnya.
Kami akan berikan service dan harga yang terbaik. Bersama kami
moment acara atau event anda akan kami abadikan dengan sebaik baiknya. Karena kami sangat berpengalaman. Amin.

Berikut Price Lice AHZA photography

PAKET WISUDA EKONOMIS ( Wisuda Taman Kanak-Kanak )

1 Stel Baju Wisuda per Anak 1 Stel (dipinjamkan)
1 Lembar Foto Bersama ukuran 8R (20 cm X 25 cm )
1 Foto Blok Wisuda anak ukuran 8R (20 cm X 25 cm )
Rp. 60.000,- / anak

Paket Foto Wisuda
1 Pasang Foto 4R + CD Softcopy
1 Lembar Foto Bersama Ukuran 8R
1 Lembar Foto Terbaik Ukuran 8R
Total Harga Satuan
Harga Diskon Paket

Paket Photo Video Wisuda
1 Pasang Foto 4R + CD Softcopy
1 Lembar Foto Bersama Ukuran 8R
1 Lembar Foto Salaman Terbaik Ukuran 8R
DVD Dokumentasi Wisuda
Total Harga Satuan
Harga Diskon Paket

atau kalau mau tanya lebih lanjut hubungi
085220871853 - 0895384465790 [sms/call/WA]  

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